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Tips in Doing Spoken Word

Spoken words are something that can also be compared to writing your songs. The only difference is that you won’t sing it, but you will say it out loud to an audience.

A lot of spoken poetry are more likely stories, poems, monologues, slam poetry, rap and even a stand-up comedy can do. Basically, it is impromptu. It comes from your inner wit.

When doing a spoken word you make use of words and phrases that projects onto the minds of those who listen to you, you need to tell them words that vivid images, sounds, actions and other sensations.

Today, let us talk about a few tips that you can do to master the art of the spoken word.

Choose A Subject and Have an Attitude

just like what I told you, it is just like with singing. Your listeners must felt you through your words, your actions, and on the way you deliver your messages and words. Indeed, no attitude, no poem!

Feelings and attitudes give poetry is richness.


Spoken word poems are written to be performed. And sometimes, it also becomes an impromptu speech that you let out in the middle of a battleground. By then, it is important that you maintain eye contact with your audience, projection of your words through speaking loud and clear. Enunciating words with actions to let the listeners hear the exact words you are saying and maintaining your facial expressions throughout the performance.


Although it can be impromptu, it is also best to make sure that you wrote down and memorized your spoken-word piece before going on stage.


